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History of Gizeh


In the following part we distinguish between 3 types of history:

Prehistorical history  (before the official historiography)
Historical history (official historiography)
Scientific history (chronology of discoveries)



What is history?

“Only when you recognize what generations before you strove for, conceived and created, will you recognize and make use of the possibilities of your own short life. And you will know: Here I stand on an enormous mountain of human history and culture that others have piled up for me over countless millennia.

Little human, who lives as you in the 20th century! You sit on a bottomless mountain of past cultures and do not have a clue how to make fruitful use of your time and have forgotten that over hundreds of thousands of years, thousands of generations have worked to pile up this mountain. Are you aware of this?”
(Ivar Lissner – So habt ihr gelebt (As you have lived))



This is an excerpt from the book GIZA LEGACY.